I get a lot of questions from people who are trying to start a business, create awesome things, or just keep themselves focused through daily life. They just don’t teach you solutions to these types of challenges in school, and I think one of the best ways to learn is to hear the stories of how other people have overcome them. My good friend Shawn Blanc is hosting an upcoming Creative Focus Online Summit to do just that (and I'm honored to be one of the 12 speakers). If you don’t know Shawn, he’s the creator of The Focus Course — an online course that helps creative people gain traction on their goals and become more productive. (I’ve gone through it myself and it's been really helpful.) The summit is completely free, and it’s exclusively online, which means you don’t have to travel! Each day of the summit there will be video conversations posted with some pretty awesome entrepreneurs and creative people (such as Paul Jarvis, Mike Vardy, Chris Bowler, Clair Lew, Mike Hurley, Jocelyn K. Glei, and others). For my session, I will be sharing my thoughts on building a business, curing perfectionism, getting past self-doubt, and my own personal productivity system and the tools I use every day. The whole summit is perfect timing to give you a jumpstart as you begin to plan your goals for 2017. It begins on December 5th, and Shawn just put up the website, so you can register for free now.