When I launched Ugmonk in 2008, I was fresh out of college and still relatively new to the world of design. I had been doing all sorts of art my entire life, but it wasn’t until college that I immersed myself in graphic design.I didn’t have a ton of experience designing logos, and I actually still consider them one of the hardest things to design.Logos need to be so many things in such a small package: simple, unique, memorable, and versatile in all sizes.They also need to instantly communicate the entire vibe of a brand, which is no small feat.

Original Process & Logo Concepts
To be honest, the name “Ugmonk” and the original logo were almost an afterthought. Don’t get me wrong—I put some thought and time into designing the original logo, but I wasn’t thinking of it from a strategic branding or long-term standpoint. At the time, Ugmonk was merely a passion project, nothing more. When I designed the original logo, I was more interested in making something that looked cool and unique than in creating a proper logo that reflected an enduring mission and set of values. Case in point? I recently dug up the other early concepts that I designed alongside the eventual winner—and boy, am I glad I didn’t go with any of these other options! Embarrassingly bad. They look so dated and rushed, and more like a student project than the carefully considered brand I knew I wanted Ugmonk to be.
Early Exploration and Updates
Last year, I experimented with some logo updates on and off, but was having trouble making any real progress. In those early explorations, I tried to combine the iconic Ugmonk ampersand with the wordmark. But the curvy form of the Ugmonk ampersand just didn’t pair well with the clean minimalist type, and it felt a bit forced and contrived.

Further Design Refinement
Now that I had clearer direction, I was able to hone in on what direction to push things. During this stage, I also gathered feedback from friends and other designers to get second opinions on my work. After staring at this for so long, it’s easy to lose focus or start second guessing everything.

The New Wordmark

The New Icon
To accompany the wordmark, I also designed an icon to use in smaller applications or in places where the wordmark doesn’t make sense (as an avatar or on tags, for example). We didn’t have an icon at all before, so this was a fun step.

In Motion
Though most applications of our logo will be used as a static image, there are some fun opportunities (such as this video) to set the logo in motion and create something even more dynamic. I reached out to my friend Seth Eckert who is a animation wizard and he worked his magic to create this super slick animation.
Brand Style Guide
As part of the larger brand refresh, I also put a lot of thought into creating an in-depth style guide to define the new Ugmonk. Designing a logo is only part of how a brand’s style is communicated. Choosing colors, typefaces, and applications of how individual elements will be used brings a consistent vibe to each medium. Though this guide is not all inclusive, it creates a strong foundation to work from and reference as I design all of the creative in the future.Here’s a look at our new style guide:

Custom Packaging
I'll be writing more in a future post about how I designed and produced all of our new custom packaging. It's been really fun to see this all come to life in these tangible mediums.

So, that’s where we’re at now with Ugmonk 2.0. A lot has changed, and we’re so excited about it, but one thing that hasn’t changed is our commitment to creating quality products that tell a story. Hope you enjoyed this inside peek at my design process and some of the thought that went into this major brand update. It feels great to have a new logo that embodies and reflects what Ugmonk is all about. Have a question about my design process or the new logo? Leave a comment below or tweet at me here.