Analog is a simple, repeatable process. Starting fresh with a new Today card helps you adjust to your changing priorities.
The Trusted Tool for 45,000+ People
How it Works
Analog doesn't replace your digital tools, it works alongside them by helping you focus on your most important work.
Analog divides tasks into 3 cards
At the beginning of each day, write up to 10 tasks on a Today card.
Use Task Signals to mark each task as completed, delegated, or in progress
Carry over unfinished tasks on a new Today card, or move some of them to a Next or Someday card.


Record important tasks that need to be done later. Use this list to help you fill out your Today card.

Capture ideas, aspirations, and goals that you would someday like to accomplish

Analog Starter Kit
- Solid Wood Card Holder (Walnut or Maple)
- 3 Analog Card Packs (50 cards each)
- Made in Pennsylvania, USA 🇺🇸
Built on proven concepts
Analog ties together tried and true productivity principles into a simple, easy-to-use system.

Tangible Progress
Seeing your process build up over time is a powerful motivator. We don't get this same satisfaction from digital apps.

Doesn't feel like work
Most planners and productivity journals feel like extra work which makes them hard to keep up with. Analog is so simple that it almost feels invisible.

Designed to enjoy
While the power of Analog lies in the system itself, every detail was considered – from the paper stock, to the dot grid pattern, to the way the cards smoothly slide into the holder.
Task Signals
Throughout the day, mark each task as completed, in-progress, or delegated. Feel free to create your own symbols.

Watch Analog in Action

Chase Reeves
"I love how these card pair with day-to-day project management, and how they feel in my hands."
Watch how Chase uses Analog
Maisy Leigh
"When I keep all of my to-do’s on my screen, they can be easy to ignore. Using Analog feel really refreshing."
Watch how Maisy uses Analog
Ali Abdaal
"I love having a to-do list that I can see all of the time. And being able to store all of my cards under the divider."
Watch how Ali uses Analog
Matthew Encina
"This is a to-do system that just works because it’s simple, in your face, and fun to use."
Watch how Matthew uses AnalogThe Trusted Tool for 45,000+
Single-momming three kids and running three online businesses means its super easy to over-task myself. The constraints of Analog has made the work I do so much more effective!
Shay Bocks
Creative Director & Enneagram Consultant

Analog is my perfect desktop companion. I can use it for digital tasks, but it lives where I have constant and easy access to it, beside my keyboard.
Paul Jarvis
Author of "Company of One"

Less is more. Above all the to-do lists apps and task boards, a simple Analog card on my desk every day keeps me more focused than any of the more complex tools I've tried.
Dan Mall
CEO @ Superfriendly

What I love even more than the simplicity, is the built-in archival nature of the cards. There's something special about seeing a stack of cards that represents a whole week – or a whole year! – worth of work and progress.
Shawn Blanc
Founder of The Focus Course

As someone that can spend more time messing with my to do list app than actually doing things, Analog is great because it helps me focus. I also really like the dot grid on the back for sketching quick ideas.
Sam Soffes
Engineer @ Github

Analog is becoming an invaluable tool for me as I plan each day with the numerous tasks and deadlines. I've found it gives me a sense of balance and organization I didn't have before in an analog format. And, I really enjoy that they're pocket-sized.
Lee Steffen
Creative Director & Photographer